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MAP Policy | RECKEEN Productions – wirtualne produkcje 3D | streamingi | rozrywka eventowa |

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Unilateral Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#608f91″][wt_spacer height=”60″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” content_placement=”top” separator=”” center_row=”yes” bg_type=”image” bck_image=”1705″ bg_repeat=”repeat-x” separator_2=”” separator_3=””][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][wt_spacer height=”70″][vc_column_text]In an effort to protect the long-term interest of not only Reckeen but also all of our retailers, distributors and customers, we have unilaterally adopted a Minimum Advertised Price Policy (MAP) for all Reckeen products. The MAP is equivalent to the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), which is specified in the Dealer-Price Catalog. This policy is to ensure the preservation of Reckeen quality, the product value and to properly establish the brand and reputation of these products in the appropriate market segment. This is also dictated by the need to ensure a uniform image and character of the sales network operation, and due to the fact that it encourages Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor to introduce goods covered by the MAP in their offer, thus increasing the availability of goods and creating a dense sales network. In the industry of complex and non-standardized products (complex products) where pre-sales services are provided by Resellers, MAP allows to eliminate the risk of the following situation: when the client obtains commercial information and services (i.e. technical information, installation, organization of a show of equipment in the TV studio or in the showroom or directly at the customer, tender information and other) from one qualified Reseller, and then buy the product from another Reseller who does not provide this information and services (and therefore has less costs), but offers a lower price. The so-called: Free Rider Effect.[/vc_column_text][wt_spacer height=”70″][vc_column_text]Reckeen, in its unilateral discretion, will not do business with any Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor, as to the products covered by this MAP policy, if that Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor intentionally advertises any Reckeen product below its MAP (MSRP) price. This policy applies to all forms of Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor advertising, including mailings, catalogues, displays at consumer exhibitions and shows, and any and all forms of advertising media, including, without limitation, the Internet and any other electronic network.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][wt_spacer height=”70″][vc_column_text]Any price information relating to Reckeen products on an Internet website is considered to be advertising for the purposes of this policy. Electronic mail sent in direct response to a customer inquiry is not considered to be advertising. Furthermore, any discounting of MAP (MSRP) pricing for a MAP covered item, including, without limitation, advertising, offering or providing coupons, rebates, free accessories, coupons, free premiums, reward program offerings, etc. or payment of sales tax for the customer – will be regarded as a violation of the MAP policy.

This policy only concerns advertised prices, and does not relate to actual sales prices of any item. Further, this policy applies equally to all Reckeen Retailers, Dealers, Resellers, and Distributors.[/vc_column_text][wt_spacer height=”70″][vc_column_text]Reckeen may engage in monitoring of advertised prices of MAP products, either directly or via the use of third parties. Third parties retained by Reckeen may engage in monitoring of Retailers, Dealers, Resellers, and Distributors Advertisements and website advertising including, but not limited to, review of advertised prices.
This policy may be modified from time to time. Reckeen does not seek, nor will it accept, any agreement or understanding with you or anyone else with respect to this policy or the prices you may advertise or charge at any time.
Reckeen will not discuss any conditions or acceptance related to this policy, as it is non-negotiable and will not be altered for any Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor. Nothing in this policy shall constitute an agreement between Reckeen and any Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor. Reckeen will not discuss the MAP policy with any Retailer, Dealer, Reseller, or Distributor beyond the content of this statement with anyone outside of Reckeen. Reckeen will unilaterally determine whether MAP policy products are being advertised or offered at prices other than those as stated in the Reckeen MAP policy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][wt_spacer height=”35″ el_file=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]